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Red Wine Opener Air Pressure Cork Popper Bottle Pumps Corks Corkscrews Screw US

$18.97 USD (taxe inclu) $0.00 USD
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$18.97 USDchacun
  • AIR PUMP uses air and a strong Teflon needle for fast cork removal.
  • The new air pump wine opener is a simple, easy and fast way to open up a bottle of wine with the hassle of pulling and twisting. Simply slid the needle in, pump a few times and the cork is out.
  • Cork Pops (CO2 Injector) - There are several versions of this one as well, but basically it is a handle with a long needle which is inserted down through the cork.
  • Use the foil cutter to remove the foil cap.
  • Insert the needle into the middle of the bottle and make sure the needle has passed through the entire cork, ensure the protective tube on the wine pump.



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      • Please allow 5- 12 days for delivery to the United States